Monday, 11 May 2015

Critical Reflection over Module 3

The inquiry research was an intense and rewarding process. A lot has been learned, not only on the chosen theme, but also on how to develop a professional research project. It has also brought new perspectives for my profession, my view as a dancer and desire for other inquires.

However, the whole process has not begun on this final Module only. During the whole course new concepts, reflections and methods have been taught and were fundamental for developing maturity, knowledge and view as a professional. To exemplify here, the Web 2.0 tools, the discussions about networking, ethics, learning methods and the stimulation to enhance our critical reflection over our profession and community of practice were some of the focus during this course. They were all extremely important during the inquiry process. It was an opportunity to not only present and investigate a theme, but also to put on practice everything that has been learned. 

Unfortunately I wasn't able to attend many Skype Sessions. The time zone difference between Brazil and UK made complicate to manage my routine. However, during this Module I felt that I was more in touch with other students from my Module and enjoyed this fact. I enjoyed exchanging ideas and issues and I am actually, very curious to know more about the other inquiries.

I finished my project this week and concluded my Professional Artefact. Right now I am focusing on organizing the Oral Presentation. I am selecting important information about the research process, interesting materials, analysis and conclusions collected during the process. I aim for a rich, clear and not boring presentation...hope I get there!

Coming back for the reflection over this period, my inquiry theme is very much connected with my personal experience and current needs. The research process then, was totally part of my routine. It became a deep reflection period. For the development of the inquiry new possibilities were brought: I had the opportunity to be with great professionals and look deeply on my practice. The possibility to observe and be part of some classes from the Angel Vianna University was fundamental not only for this research but also for my career. The conversation with the professionals interviewed were a great experience for further investigations and discussions. The personal diary experience, a habit that I began on Module one and will continue to be part of my routine, is a great activity to stimulate reflection and to keep information. The Focus Groups were actually my favorite tool on this research. It was a chance to totally concentrate on the theme of my inquiry. While planning the meeting, I learned how to provide information, organize an activity and stimulate a discussion afterwards. I was also an outsider viewer, observing the participants chosen, which was great for further analysis.

                The Professional Artefact was very gratifying as well. I elaborated a video, as I found that has not a better way to discuss about movement then actually showing them. I aimed to reach a quality of a constant investigation, providing information and images for further discussions. I concluded that a video-making process was a way to exercise my own creativity and new skills such as editing, filming and organizing a film.

                This whole process brought desires to continue investigating, in this case, the creativity theme. Also, new discussions came, and I got in contact with important professionals who provided me new opportunities. . I was very glad with the fact that some professionals were very interested on my research and suggested me to elaborate a Portuguese version of it. I believe it became a way to stimulate a dialogue between techniques, cultures and I enjoyed telling a bit about my experience and current needs, exchange ideas, techniques and reflections between students, institutions and professionals.

                I wish all the best for the other students on this final period….and as I said on the beginning; I am very interested to know about your inquiries. Let’s continue to exchange ideas!

Friday, 6 March 2015

Skype Session with Adesola

            On Tuesday evening from this week, I joined the group Skype Session with Adesola. The meeting was very productive. We discussed about a number of things from Module 3 inquiry research process such as referencing, interviews and professional artefact elaboration. Also, we had the participation from one Module 1 student, who asked about time management during the course and if we had the idea for our inquiries since Module 1 term. 

            I find the group Skype Sessions very useful for the study process for every Module. More than just asking and answering questions, those sessions bring on discussions that help us to reflect differently over issues and also bring on new ideas. At my current Module group, the students are from distinct professional fields and have various ideas for inquiry. This brings on different perspectives and makes the discussion very interesting. For example, when we were talking about the interview process, the way I will carry out will be probably different from the others (for example I will have to translate quotes and questions from Portuguese into English); Bernie mentioned that she wants to make her interviews in a more informal environment, Pip Spalton mentioned that she will aim for clear questions and also be flexible in case further discussion is needed. All this discussion made us think further on how important it we be as close as possible from what the interview we wanted to mean. I was very worry about this fact, because of the translation necessity, and after this discussion I got other point of view. Made me think that the caring with the meaning and truth should be taken in every interview in any occasion and also made me realize that I need to be careful with the way I will address the questions. 

           During those discussions what I find also useful, is the fact that we have to expose our ideas. When telling to others about my current planning or questions, I fell that my thoughts get clearer and maybe even bring on new issues. Because one thing is to reflect and plan in our minds, other is to explain to someone what you really mean. After this session, I felt much more clear on what should I plan for now and what I am aiming for on my inquiry research. 

           We talked about giving tips for time management during the course here comes mine! I was always very busy and I am not going to lie, sometimes was very hard to don’t be behind. For every busy student like me, what I found crucial was to keep a journal with me. The reflections that are brought with the studies should be going on during our daily routines. Many times, ideas would come during rehearsals and classes and other points of view from my work colleagues. Writing them down helped me to elaborate works later and saved time, as I was already focused on what I wanted to write about. Also, I always have at least one free day each weak. I try to make sure that I separate some hours for the Uni work as I knew I wouldn’t have so much time available during the working days. I hope I helped ! 

Friday, 2 January 2015

My Critical Reflection from Module 2: Professional Practitioner Inquiry

Picking up a topic and elaborating Special Interest Groups 

                 On Module two we were able to use all theories and concepts studied on Module one as tools to reflect and question our daily routine. With a better understanding on my area of practice as well as my role on it , I was able to look back on my experiences as dancer and also observe what are my current needs , current issues I was facing in and current questions I had. Thoughts about versatility , artistic quality, individuality, what would be a "professional look" , were some of the ones that emerged on this period and were the first step for elaborating my inquiry. I wrote about those thoughts on my very first post from this Module (Appendix A). 

                  Reading through Reader 4 and the literature from Peter Senge ("Peter Senge and the Learning Organization") a better elaboration of my thoughts was possible, also to recognize what was from my current area of practice and I had a domain on it and what wasn't or was way too vague. Bringing on my questions and discussions to the professionals around me as well with the other students from the course, a clearer idea was being approached: 

"Reading through Reader 4, more possibilities on inquiries came through and I was also more able to structure my thoughts. Talking with professionals from this field, looking into my practice, daily routine and current issues were helpful as well. (...) However, I recognized that some issues were not actually from my current area of practice or were way too extensive. I wouldn't be able to connect theory with the practice and on this path, wouldn't develop my role as a professional and my workplace. They are important issues, maybe one day I will work on them once I've studied, but I guess we should take one step after the other. And after all, my current role on this environment is as a dancer, so I will use this performing and practice environment as a research foundation." 

("Task 4a: Inquiry Questions, Julia Gil, 2014,

              My questions and inquiry themes were brought into my Special Interest Groups. The development of artistic quality was a constant theme on those discussions, about the own self research artists should have, if other techniques could support this research on each one's singularity, and which activities could stimulate this artistic development. I found very few from my Module which had a similar discussion. Lizzie Martin's questions were closer to the ones I had (Appendix B) and  I also could relate my questions to some the inquiry questions brought by Pip Spalton and Della Estlin, on how students could be stimulated (Appendix C). 

Literature Research

               With a better formulation of the ideas for my inquiry , I looked for literature which could support the discussion and the ones which had already studied the themes I was focusing on: 

"During this first process of research, I focused on looking for materials which aimed on personality/individuality/singularity of dancers, improvisation methodologies, dance creation processes, body expression/therapies methods and their affects on dance training. It didn't surprise me that I found great academic researches, books, and inquiries from ones who have a similar point of view as me." 
(Task 4d: Literature Research, Julia Gil, 2014,

                 A good amount of literature was found and increased as I continue to research during this period. Quantitative researches on levels of creativity of different types of dancers; definitions and discussions about improvisation classes; articles about dancers' artistic development and diaries about collaborative dance-making process were found (Appendix D) Reading and reflecting about them , as well as continuing discussing with professionals and reading students blogs , I decided my inquiry theme: How creativity dance related practices can be crucial for dancers' artistic development.  


The ethics theme has been constantly discussed on the module 1 and 2 tasks. Bringing on ethical considerations into the inquiry research and elaboration process makes a big difference and requires big reflection and organization to apply it. Reader 5 was very useful to clear some issues we should take and during this period I also analysed the ethical considerations that were applied on the contemporary dance festival I worked with (Appendix E and Appendix F). During this period, I also looked into the Ethics Form we need to handle in the end of this Module and also began to formulate consent forms and discuss with my SIGS and institutions what will I need to be careful about and elaborate previously. Talking with academics helped me to be clear with the concepts brought by Reader 5, and also when I looked into the tools I might apply into my research , I also reflected about what is possible into the circumstances I have and what should I be careful about. For example, most of the ones I will interview and observe will be from my home country Brazil. That means that I need to make sure that they know what the inquiry is about and all consent forms will need to be in Portuguese (mother language) as well. Other issues were proper institution authorization and image and recording rights. 

Award Title and Inquiry Tools 

            When writing the award title form a structure was brought into the inquiry idea. The title chosen was BA (Hons) Professional Practice Dance. On the explanation of the topic, tools, for who is directed to, the importance and what is aimed with was explained (Appendix G). 

             On Reader 6, tools for inquiry research were explained. Evaluating them and also defining which ones I might apply a better structure was once more achieved into the inquiry plan and also taking in consideration what is viable and the ethical considerations already worked on Reader 5 (Appendix H) After evaluating each tools I chose which ones I will apply during the research process: 

"Reflecting about the methods described on Reader 6 from this Module, made it clear how should I plan my research process, take in consideration the advantages and disadvantages of each one and how would be the best way to apply them. From the tools described, I believe I will focus on three of them during the development: observation, interview and focus group. As my inquiry has a more qualitative approach, I believe I might focus more on analysis methods."
 (Task 6b: Inquiry Tools, Julia Gil, 2014, )

                 After the Skype Session with Paula Nottingham and Adesola a clear idea about the tools, ethical considerations and the forms we should handle in was approached and with this discussion , I concluded how my inquiry was related into my personal experience and how will I be one of the most observed during the research process. With this idea , it was concluded that one of the main tools which will be applied in the inquiry research will be a personal diary which will contain my personal experiences and reflections from my classes and rehearsals and also self and group observations. As an informal trial I chose to report my experiences from a special workshop I did and which is very related with my inquiry idea (Appendix I). 


                    On these last month I have been focusing on my Inquiry Plan , elaborating consent forms, asking for institution support and authorization and continue to read and research for literature. This module was a big step forward from ,module 1, and by the end from this module I can recognize how all concepts and tasks given are very related to each other and allows a better critical thinking and reflection on our role on the professional environment , make discussions possible and elaborate a research into it. 


-Appendix A:

-Appendix B:

-Appendix C:

-Appendix D:

-Appendix E:

-Appendix F:

-Appendix G:

-Appendix H:

-Appendix I: 


-Gil, Julia Vargas , 2014, Julia Gil BAPP Middlesex University Blog (online),

-Nottingham, P and McGuiness, R, 2014, BAPP Arts: Reader 5: Principles of Professional Inquiry,London, Middlesex University

-Nottingham, P and McGuiness, R, 2014, BAPP Arts: Reader 6: Principles of Professional Inquiry,London, Middlesex University

-Gil, Julia Vargas, 2014, Julia Gil BAPP Middlesex University Blog (online),